Hairy Bittercress

What keeps it from happening?What kills it?Return to WeedsGalleryHairy BittercressDESCRIPTION: This plant is a small and delicate herb that one might find growing in damp places like riverbanks or wet grasslands. It has tiny white or pinkish flowers that bloom in early spring and early summer. Its leaves are shaped like tiny arrowheads. It can be quite invasive and can …


What keeps it from happening?What kills it?Return to WeedsGalleryDayflowerDESCRIPTION: With flowers that only last for one day before they wither away and are replaced by new ones, it’s no wonder they call it a dayflower. These plants, which produce blue, white, or pink flowers, are considered a weed in most agricultural settings. They grow fast and have a tendancy to …


What keeps it from happening?What kills it?Return to WeedsGalleryCrabgrassDESCRIPTION: Crabgrass is one of the most common grassy weeds that can me tough to control due to its inherent resiliance and ability to withstand harsh weather conditions. Crabgrass also has the ability to quickly recover from damage adding to the frustration of those who would like it gone from their lawn …


What keeps it from happening?What kills it?Return to WeedsGalleryChickweedDESCRIPTION: Chickweed is a small and delicate flowering herb that grows close to the ground and is often found in lawns and gardens that provide ample moisture. Chickweed has a long history of being used for medicinal purposes due to its anti-inflamatory and anti-itching effects. It has also been used in traditional …

Canada Thistle

What keeps it from happening?What kills it?Return to WeedsGalleryCanada ThistleDESCRIPTION: Canada Thistle is a weed that grows in much of North America. It has a deep root system and can spread quickly, making it extremely difficult to control. Moreover, the roots can grow both horizontally and vertically. The plant has prickly leaves and stems that are painful to touch, and …

Field Bindweed

What keeps it from happening?What kills it?Return to WeedsGalleryField BindweedDESCRIPTION: Field Bindweed is a creeping perennial weed with white or pink trumpet-shaped flowers that bloom from late spring to early autumn. It grows by twining around plants and can quickly form dense mats on the ground. The leaves are arrow-shaped and have a smooth texture. Field bindweed can be found …

Broadleaf Plantain

What keeps it from happening?What kills it?Return to WeedsGalleryBroadleaf PlantainDESCRIPTION: Broadleaf Plantian is a common herbaceous plant. The plant is often considered a weed, but it has a long history of use in traditional medicine as a natural remedy for many common ailments, including skin irritations, respiratory issues, and digestive problems. It is also a popular food source for animals …

Broadleaf Dock

What keeps it from happening?What kills it?Return to WeedsGalleryBroadleaf DockDESCRIPTION: Broadleaf Dock is a type of weed that can grow up to 5ft tall. The plant is commonly found along roadsides, in fields, and gardens. It is considered invasive in some regions and is generally considered a nuissance plant because of its ability to quickly spread and compete with other …

Black Medick

What keeps it from happening?What kills it?Return to WeedsGalleryBlack MedickDESCRIPTION: Black Medick is an annual plant that typically grows in dry, open areas. SCIENTIFIC NAME: Medicago lupulina OTHER NAMES: Nonesuch , Hop Clover LEAF TYPE: Broadleaf FLOWERS: Small yellow flowers grouped into tight bunches LEAVES: Each leaf is made up of three leaflets, similar to a clover, with a slightly toothed edge. Leaves will …

Annual Bluegrass

What keeps it from happening?What kills it?Return to WeedsGalleryAnnual BluegrassDESCRIPTION: Annual Bluegrass is a type of grass with long, narrow leaves that are typically bright green and smooth or slightly rough to the touch. It produces small, inconspicuous flowers in late spring or early summer, and the flowers are wind-pollinated. After flowering, it produces small seeds that can be dispersed …