What keeps it from happening?What kills it?Return to WeedsGalleryChamberbitterDESCRIPTION: Chamberbitter is a small weed that is native to tropical and subtropical regions that is fast-spreading and resiliant making it challenging to control. Indigenous communities in South America have long used this weed for treating liver problems and urinary tract infections. It is still used in traditional medicine in many parts …
Canada Thistle
What keeps it from happening?What kills it?Return to WeedsGalleryCanada ThistleDESCRIPTION: Canada Thistle is a weed that grows in much of North America. It has a deep root system and can spread quickly, making it extremely difficult to control. Moreover, the roots can grow both horizontally and vertically. The plant has prickly leaves and stems that are painful to touch, and …
Buck’s Horn Plantain
What keeps it from happening?What kills it?Return to WeedsGalleryBuck’s Horn PlantainDESCRIPTION: The Buck’s Horn Pllantain is native to Europe, North Africa, and Asia, but has been introduced to the United States. It is considered the an invasive species. The plant is capable of surviving in a wide range of growing conditions and can thrive in areas like roadsides, pastures, and …
Field Bindweed
What keeps it from happening?What kills it?Return to WeedsGalleryField BindweedDESCRIPTION: Field Bindweed is a creeping perennial weed with white or pink trumpet-shaped flowers that bloom from late spring to early autumn. It grows by twining around plants and can quickly form dense mats on the ground. The leaves are arrow-shaped and have a smooth texture. Field bindweed can be found …